The output vector contains the year length relative to earth in our solar system, that is, earth will get a value 1.0. Mercurius year is 4.15... times more, venus 1.62.. etc.
The output suits directly inside frequency-map, and within activate-tonality a corresponding tonality is returned.
(gen-solar sun cycles pluto
mercurius venus earth mars jupiter saturnus uranus neptunus pluto)
1 '(c 1)))
--> ((c 11 g# 9 b 8 c# 8 f 5 c# 4 g 2 g 1 c 1))
The following demonstrates how the note-list returned by frequency-map can drive gen-sin-chord to produce waveforms.
(gen-solar sun cycles mars
mercurius venus earth mars)
1 '(c 1)) 64)
Above each frequency is quantized to 12-tone system and an equivalent amplitude is used when mixin the waves. More accurate results can be achieved with gen-fourier, which allows to mix sin waves of certain frequencies, amplitudes, and phase values - each of which can be produced by gen-solar. In the following the relative gravitational fluctuations in a year in Jupiter is generated:
(gen-solar sun cycles jupiter
mercurius venus earth mars jupiter saturnus uranus neptunus)
(gen-solar sun location jupiter
mercurius venus earth mars jupiter saturnus uranus neptunus))